Last July my husband started to be sick - not normal vomiting - but it looked like coffee grounds. The next day he was fine and shrugged it off. A month later - same thing! So the following day (which happened to be a Bank Holiday in the UK), I
Following a few days in the Intensive Care Unit, he was moved back to a main ward, where he started to recover, until he was unable to keep any kind of food or drink down. He was released from hospital on Feb 5th, after 12 weeks in hospital, still unable to keep anything down, but they were ordering gastroscopies and dilatations which they hoped would work. Three procedures later, we had a meeting with the oncologist - NO MORE CANCER!! So that was a positive step. Then we met the surgeon. Provided Mike was able to put on weight and start to heal properly, she would be prepared to offer a reversal to the stoma in about 6 months. We have an appointment booked for early July to discuss that. Finally a fortnight ago, just before Easter, Mike went in for another gastroscopy and this time it appears to have worked! He is eating and drinking a little more every day. And he is beginning to put on weight again.
So my life has virtually been ON HOLD for the last 6 months. I have had the support of friends and ex-colleagues. People I have never met - friends through the power of the Internet - have supported Mike and I in prayer or healing thoughts - and I want to thank each and every one of those people.
But of course my stitching and craft have been the mainstay of my personal battle during this time. When I felt like coming home and screaming about the unfairness of life - my little xxxxx's helped to keep me sane enough to function as a relatively normal human being!
As I can't go into more details here - I'll just post the pictures of things which I have worked on in these last months of pain and despair. (WARNING - lots of photos here!)
Finished today!
Pompom rug for my granddaughter! If I'd planned it out I would have moved the J down a row, but hey - I didn't so it will have to be like this. Hopefully she will like it as it's in her favourite colours. She can put it beside her bed to wriggle her toes in as she gets up!

Right - well after so long away I'd better let you go and do something else instead! Hope you've all been busy. I will try to catch up on reading your blogs again. So I hope to see you again SOON!
Until then - take care and remember - you never know just when a family member or loved one will be hospitalised or worse - so talk to them often and always tell them that you love them.